Work > Painting Archive

Walking on water II 1995

Oil on board 76.2x101.5cm 


'Lord if it is you' Peter replied 'tell me to come to you on the water'.

'Come' he said.  Matthew 6 v27

To step out of ourselves onto that sea

Forsaking every safety that we know

Becoming for one moment wholly free

That in that moment endless trust may grow.

To step into that love which calls us out

From all evasions of one central choice

Besieged by winds of fear and waves of doubt

Yet summoned by that everlasting voice.

To walk on water in  astonished joy

Towards those outstretched arms which draw us near

Then caught by winds which threaten to destroy

We sink into the waters of our fear.

Yet underneath all fears and false alarms

Are sinking, held, by everlasting arms.


From Fire Sonnets 

Sonnet XVI